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Our Academics


Bryte Christian Academy uses Abeka Curriculum for all academic areas. Every subject is approached from a Christian perspective, and you’ll find Scripture and biblical principles used to emphasize or illustrate concepts. Students taught with Abeka have been accepted into prestigious colleges and gone on to serve the Lord in demanding careers. Below please review Abeka's view on every subject that is taugh in our school (


The Abeka Bible program presents the Bible in the narrative style in which it is written. Students are led through the stories and truths of the Old and New Testaments, including Bible doctrine and application at an age-appropriate level.


Science and Health program presents the universe as the direct, orderly, law-abiding creation of God and refutes the man-made idea of evolution. Students are presented with plants, animals, rocks, elements, forces, the human body—and much more—according to an understanding of the design and laws of nature.

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Because thought and language form the foundation of learning and communication, teaching grammar, spelling, vocabulary, composition, and literature is vitally important. Abeka presents language in a structure in which students develop orderliness, reasoning, and logic.


Because children often emulate what they read, they need reading skills and character-building reading materials from an early age. Abeka employs phonics as the most logical, orderly way to introduce reading to children. Abeka readers are beautifully illustrated and imaginatively written.

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Abeka teaches that the laws of mathematics are a creation of God and thus absolute. Man’s task is to search out and make use of the laws of the universe, both scientific and mathematical. This is in significant contrast to the modern math theories that are based on mathematics as a creation of man and thus arbitrary and relative.


History courses present an inspiring portrayal of peoples, lands, religions, ideals, heroes, triumphs, and setbacks in light of the biblical principles that govern the natural course of history. Students benefit from this traditional, conservative approach to the study of what man has done with the time God has given to him.

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